Who Is The Man In Orange?

I was walking around Battery Park today when I saw The Man In Orange:

Orange 1

Look closely – not only orange hat and orange coat, but matching orange suit and shoes. AND MATCHING SHOES. Where do you buy this kind of thing???

Orange 0

The best part was watching the reactions from park-goers, like this woman…

Orange 2

…and this guy (note shoes)…

Orange 5

…and these guys…

Orange 4

I felt like I had walked into a David Lynch movie…or a 70’s baxploitation film. Any ideas on who the mysterious Man In Orange really is?


77 thoughts on “Who Is The Man In Orange?”

  1. an artist. you seem to be paying attention to him, as he is most likely paying attention to you, right now, as well as others viewing the site…

  2. These comments are missing the obvious. The Man in Orange is obviously Eterno Pimp – the pimp who picked, procured an processed pieces of precious p*ssy perspiration for a powerful potion of power…giving him a lisp and eternal life… or just that dang Barack Obama again.

  3. so if the lady in red and the man in orange got together, what would happen? just wondering

    he sure is orange

  4. I think he is a similar artist type to Black Cherokee — however, he does have two friends that occasionally come decked out in purple and green exclusively. I wish I knew what his deal was.

  5. I saw him a few days ago walking down lower Broadway near the Battery. It was hilarious to watch each head turn and smile as he passed everyone on the street. It was kind of like when you look down an avenue and watch the traffic lights change one by one in a wave down the avenue..

  6. One other thing, having seen him up close: those shoes are real orange leather shoes, not orange sneakers, painted shoes, or some other contrived footwear. They look exactly like what you might pick up at Floorsheim or Bostonian except, well, orange. That was by far the most stunning thing about the outfit. Where does one find high-quality shoes made of orange leather? They have to be custom-made.

    Actually, the whole outfit is high-quality, each piece. Usually when you see someone decked out in pimp-like clothing at least part of it looks like it was rescued from a Halloween party. Not this guy,

  7. I see this guy all the time on Canal street. He does have different colored outfits but usually in the same style, furry and loud. Awesome.


    There’s nothing pimpin’ about that outfit. That is just pure high-quality style. But in orange.

  9. That is not the first time i have seen something like that. There was a gentleman that came into the restaurant that i work at completely dressed head to toe in red: hat, sunglasses, shirt, tie, watch, belt, pants, shoes, and socks! and it was all the same shade of red.

  10. What is with all you guys saying you have seen the guy yet no one is willing to go up to him and have a chat? Is NY so unfriendly that you would not be able to do this?

  11. Pingback: Scene in New York « MRod says:

  12. There’s a bar that I go into every once in a while because I have friends who live in the area. They have their own orange guy, except he’s gold. Gold suit, gold vest, gold leather shoes, gold hat, gold chains, the whole nine. Not including the jewelry, the whole getup cost a little over 5 grand. He has 5 of the exact same outfit. Wears it every day. Based on his nebulous response to what he does for a living, I think he’s probably a drug dealer. Cool cat though. You should go talk to this orange guy. He’s probably cool.

  13. baxploitation i think is spelled wrong post to spelled Blaxploitation you missed the L .I like the suit though

  14. Ghetto fabulous.

    We have the same masters of fashion in my town, too. They truly must not understand that dressing like that makes one look like an idiot.

  15. Man, I love orange. I went through an orange phase where my entire wardrobe and hair revolved around it. I love people who dress monochromatically.

    This man dresses beautifully. This is how you go places in this world.

  16. he’s the magic don juan. he’s in several movies, such as “OLD SCHOOL” with Will Ferrel. in the snoop dog scene…he’s the friend with the green hat. he’s also in other films as well as the original PIMP. He’s friends with all sorts of rappers.

  17. Jake D is right:
    That is Definitely Upgrayedd, spelled thusly U-P-G-R-A-Y-E-D-D.
    “You see, a pimp’s love is very different from that of a square. “

  18. It is actually the old mascot from the University of Syracuse in NY. They changed their name from the orangemen to the orange due to some sexism something or another. moral of the story is he is unemployed since losing his job as an icon for a university

  19. Are you sure its not him, I have not seen him in a long time, and you know how Pimps love to travel.

  20. i think he lives in jersey city…yes, there might be more than one pimped-out dude out there, but i think i’ve seen that outfit in particular on a guy on the PATH train.

  21. That guy is a Pimp probably related to The Don Magic Juan.

    The only kind of art this guy does is the art of bitches and hoes and making mad chedda.

  22. It is not the black Kool-Aid man. If so, he would be dressed in purple to reflect how much he loves the grape drank.

  23. When historic opinions and guidelines of life are taken away, the loss cannot probably be approximated. From that minute we have no compass to govern us, nor can we know distinctly to what port to steer.

  24. Well, what can i say? the man on orange isn’t looking bad though . I love that dress and i guess that is Joseph Kabila or some Kenyan citizen lol . he look like the DON of the crip , ghetto or from the main gangsta hood

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  26. My girlfriend and I saw this guy crossing the Brooklyn Bridge in Xmas 2013. Can’t believe he’s being doing this since 2009!! We totally regret not taking a picture.

  27. this guy works in a law office and lives in Jersey City – we see him all the time and he HATES getting his picture taken. That said – he has the best outfits – he’s always dressed head to toe in matching color schemes. white with black dots is my fave.

  28. I used to see that guy all the time on the path train. He gets off at Journal Square. I usually only see him in the warmer months.

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