This morning, as a buddy of mine drove to work via the Williamsburg Bridge, he noticed something: a small gray dog chained to the pedestrian walkway, shivering, completely drenched and half-frozen. As you probably heard, New York had a very big snow storm last night; we’re almost certain her owners left her out in it overnight to die.
That same dog is now sleeping comfortably at my feet, well-fed, fully-bathed, and having been given a clean bill of health by the local vet.
My friend brought the dog to his office and spent the entire day making calls, not realizing how hard it is to find a home for a pit bull. Something like 1 in 800 rescued pit bulls find homes, and as far as I can tell, no “no-kill” shelter will accept them. I offered to take the dog for the night, since I live closer to my buddy’s office than he does.
Since she showed up to my apartment, she’s been a doll. Hasn’t barked once – in fact, I think the only sound I’ve heard was when she began whimpering when I left the room.
She’s young – the vet estimated her to be 1-2 years old. She knows how to sit, seems to understand stay, and is one of those great dogs that stays very close to your side, leash or no leash. Also, she has a gorgeous gray coat, and as you can see, neither her ears nor tail are clipped. Finally, she’s been exceptionally friendly and playful, both with my roommates and all 30+ co-workers at my friend’s office.
My friend’s going to take her back tomorrow and try to find her a home, but prospects are not looking hopeful, and eventually he’ll have to take her to a kill shelter. He asked if I’d put up some pictures on my site to see if anyone out there might be interested in taking her in, or perhaps has some advice on what to do with her (we e-mailed a few pit bull rescue groups, but they had little to offer).
Don’t get me wrong – I am fully aware that she’s a pit bull, and that there’s a rep that goes along with the breed. But this one has been well-behaved and quiet, and I just interrupted her sleep to scratch her belly and all she did was kick her foot and wag her tail happily.
She seems like a beautiful pet for the right person, and if you’re at all interested, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at I’ll put you in touch with the person who found her and of course, you would certainly be able to meet her before committing to anything.
Anyway, I just finished eating a burrito and some nachos, and I noticed the dog watching me, looking for a treat. At first, my “master” instinct kicked in and I told her to go lay down, which she did. But then I broke down and gave her some left-overs.
After all, she just spent the night in one of the worst snow storms of the year, and probably only has a short time left anyway – why not spoil her a little before she’s gone?
PS – If you can do anything to help spread the word via Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr, both me and my new lady friend would be forever in your debt.
Hi there,
I know that I’ve emailed, tweeted, and stalked you in all possible ways, but I know that my friends Jason and Megan Bascom would make awesome doggy parents. They’ve had pitbulls in the past and know how to treat them with love.
She’s darling.
I know you are anxious to find her a home, but be careful that the home she gets is a good home, not someone who will treat her as badly as her previous owner.
I suggest adding an adoption fee to weed out all potential bad doers.
She looks awfully happy exactly where she is. The 2nd best dog I have ever owned–laying by my feet– is the one I found & swore I didn’t want. That was 11 years ago. 🙂
Bless you & I’ll spread the word.
d. xo
I don’t know if she has been claimed yet, the folks in CT sound like a great choice, but I also sent you an email about meeting her. I already have a pit mix, and same thing happened, she was tied to a pole in central park, and starving to death. Keep us all updated.
Thanks. Julie
As I read through these posts, I want to add to the caution about people who might seem over-eager to adopt a pitbull. Be really, really careful to make sure it’s not someone who wants to fight the dog or use it as bait, or if she isn’t spayed they might breed her too much and then abandon her; it happens all the time! She looks like a beautiful dog, and but for the fact that I have 2 already, I might consider adopting her, so good luck! (Also, Juancho is right — don’t give her scraps — bad for training & digestion, but yes, it is hard sometimes; they are so endearing when they give you that big-eyed look!)
wish I could take her SO bad, but I live on the other side of the country 🙁 sounds like she’s a total sweetheart
wish I could take her SO bad, but I live on the other side of the country 🙁 she sounds like a total sweetheart!
This makes me SO sad. 🙁 I am no where near NYC but I will pass it on via Twitter, etc.
I commend you on your care and concern for this beautiful being who was left out in the cold to die.
If an individual (not a rescue organization) agrees to adopt her, I recommend that the adopter pay the vet bill you incurred. A person’s ability and willingness to pay the vet bill will show that they are serious about making a long-term commitment to her care and well-being. Many people are emotionally motivated to adopt dogs yet hey don’t have the resources to properly care for them. Often, they end up giving the dog to a shelter, and perhaps one that euthanizes the animals. Requiring the adopter to cover the vet bill is a good measure of their sincerity.
I just hope she finds a wonderful home full of love and compassion.
Hi- I wrote you an email, and my wife Megan has a left a comment above.
Our beautiful dog Ria(ri-ah) passed last Friday. It was a really hard thing to deal with, she was our child. She was old, 13, and had a tumor in her abdomen. So I am thank full that she isn’t suffering even though we are. I rescued her when she was a pup from being fought(I got her in rural Florida). The guy I got her from told me he would fight her if he couldn’t find a home for her. I had to take her. I feel like fate is giving us the chance to save a dog again, and give us a most needed companion in return.
We live in Norwalk, CT. Our house is 2 miles from work and I work in a pet friendly environment. We also have a yard, and easy access to pet friendly beaches and dog parks. We would love to save this dog. I know you have a lot of emails/posts, but if you could respond with any information as to where in the adoption process you are that would be awesome.
awww so nice J.
I wish I could take her, but I already have two at home!
You can bring her to Little Shelter on Long Island in Huntington ( They are a no-kill shelter, and very good about accepting abandoned pups.
Good luck, she’s beautiful!
We live in PA and have a big yard, we would love to give her a home,if you have’nt already found her a home. Please contact me either way at the above email.
Jason and Megan sound great!!!!!!!! Please Please just hold out until you can find her a home – I will even send gift cards to petsmart and what not so you can purchase her food! You never know where she will end up even if she goes to a non kill shelter. She could be adopted for fighting, or to some other worthless piece of crap who would do that same thing! this dog is special and obviously appreciates a loving owner. I have two rescues myself and they are so loyal, and loving! These dogs dont deserve this and she is one of a kind!!!! Please consider holding off on the shelter until you find a home! It will be the best for her! 🙂
Hope she finds a home, humans are the scum of the earth.I dont understand how someone could do this to their pet that only loves them hoping she would just die there. Please DO NOT TAKE HER TO A KILL SHELTER. Wait till you find her a home so many people have replied that they want her, I gave you my email someone told me they would take her for a forever home if no luck…
I love this story and I know it’s destined for a happy ending. I would like to suggest that you thoroughly investigate any potential new owners. I’d hate to see someone with malicious intentions get this beautiful Blue Pit.
Good Luck!
Why is there NO update??? So many people want her and yet NO UPDATE!!!
Scout please let everyone now if you found a home for this loving dog.
I have a solid person who wants to meet and pos adopt her, ..please get back to me
You are a wonderful person….God bless you!!
Please try Pets Alive they are in the NY area. They are non profit No kill animal shelter. I have already twitted them. I have 2 pits myself & there reputation is undeserving. They are the most loving & loyal dogs.
I found this post when someone retweeted, and I have since done the same. I keep checking back hoping for an update, but I’m sure you’re busy fielding all the offers you’ve gotten.
Please keep us posted, and good luck!
my boyfriend and i just adopted a lovely lil puppy this past weekend from BARC in Williamsburg. They are a non-kill shelter attached to a Vet on North 1st and Wykoff. I HIGHLY recommend them. They were lovely and my boyfriend found our new family member because they post all of their residents on PetFinder. While we were there another dog was being adopted as well. Check them out here:
This story broke my heart. Please tell me you’ve found someone, either an owner or a no-kill shelter, to take her?
Please do not give her to a shelter, I will gladly take her, I already have one pitbull and he is the sweetest dog in the world so anyone who says pitbulls are born aggressive don’t know what they are talking about. Pitbulls have a bad rep because of their owners not because they choose to be. They are dogs that want to please their owners, so if the owner teaches them that fighting is good then that is just instinct to do what their master wants. Please contact me I live in Bronx NY and I will take her in.
Have you found a home? We’d all like an update
i live in staten island and have a yard and another puppy friend… if you haven’t found a home for her yet i’ll take her.
PLEASE PLEASE WAIT BEFORE YOU DOING ANYTHING LISTEN TO THIS!!!! Hi I would love to take this sweet looking girl off you hand but my land lord will not allow large breed dogs where I live. I love this breed soooo much and my heart strings pull every time I read a story like yours. trust me if I could I would drive to you right now I take her home. There might be hope though. Have you ever heard of the TV show PITBULLS AND PAROLEES?? it is on the Animal Planet channel and the woman who Runs it is Named Tia and I’m sure if you emailed your story with her pic to Tia or called her and explained the situation she would help, She just sent her daughters to New Orleans to save a dog so maybe she could help you or get in contact with a non kill shelter for you!! it is worth a try isn’t it? I Live in MA and there are a ton of non kill shelters around so maybe you can contact some of them?? anything is worth a shot right? it is not this dogs fault of what her human did to her. She deserves a second chance with a human that will be kind to her. Here is a link to the website for the resuce center and to my FB page in case you have any questions or comments, I would love to help is much as I can.
My prayers are with her to find a happy loving home, i posted this on my Facebook wall. Curious to know if you tried to contact North Shore Animal League ? Best to her, and please keep Us all posted on her journey of adoption !
PLEASE do not take her to a shelter! Like many people said, she may be bought for a fight dog, kill shelter or no kill shelter. If you can’t find a suitable home for her we have a shelter down in Pennsylvania that works mainly with abandoned and often old fight pit bulls. They would graciously accept her, especially since she seems so well behaved. This website has their contact information, and if you need further help please e-mail me. Best of luck to you and your beautiful friend!
Have you found a home yet?
Alexis looks to want to take her home with her :o) !! So thank you Alexis, I hope you were able to get in contact with Scout via his
PLEASE check with LOCAL dog rescue groups! A rescue group might have a foster home for this beautiful pit! Sending this pit to a shelter is an automatic DEATH sentence!! Most shelters give the pit only 5 days to get adopted. If this pit isn’t adopted with in 5 day then she will be killed. PLEASE look into finding a local pit bull rescue! If you need help finding or contact one let me know and I will gladly help!
I found a pit last week and already have two dogs of my own (including a pit). I’ve been told to take her to it is a pitbull rescue.
Notice that Rescue Ink nad Animal Haven are already mentioned; Rescue Ink is in NY, they have lots of contacts and a sanctuary as well. Animal Haven is in Brooklyn, my sis volunteers there and thinks they are great (i live in CO)
Also try North Shore Animal League in Long Island (?) they are no kill, not sure about pits
Best Friends is in Utah and doesn’t usually take dogs who aren’t celebrity status (like Vick or Katrina).
And since you are obviously pals, have you considered keeping her ::)) you are a fine human being – good luck
My husband sent you an email earlier this morning and we will absolutely adopt her if you haven’t already found her a home! We have 2 dogs and a very big backyard!
Oh my goodness update please! I hope you’ve found a home for her.
you are absolutely right Carol, I don’t understand how anyone would ever do something like this to an animal. I will take her, I emailed the NYC scout I am just waiting for a reply..I will pick her up today lol
Any update??? This dog is too adorable not to have a loving home. I REALLY hope someone can adopt her. I wish I had the property to bring her to Florida to live with me.
PLease do not just post her that you will take this lovebug Email as requested in the posting. Your request to take this honey will be lost in all the responses
Yes, Megan and Jason in CT sound great!!
Yes, I think Megan and Jason in CT sound great too!! Please contact them Scout!
I live in NJ and will foster her before she goes to a shelter. I have a pitbull and a lab, fenced in yard and cats… me if she is still in need. I have references…
Hi there, we had to put our pooch down due to cancer over the in the Fall and have been holding out on getting a new one. That said, we’d love to see if we can meet this cutie this weekend. We live in Brooklyn and are a block away from Prospect Park, so she’d have plenty of running around and possible squirrel chasing at her disposal. I can be reached at the email listed. Thanks so much!
All best,
Joe Hobaica
Please if u still havent found her a home contact these ppl.
She’s beautiful! I’d hate to see her end up in a shelter but if she really needs to go to one the RISPCA is a no kill shelter and they take pit bulls. I really hope she finds a forever home!
PEOPLE!!! Please make sure you email NYCScout, not just post here under the comments.
Scout – seems like your longshot is working out pretty good. I wish you the best of luck selecting a new owner from all these wonderful people.
I’m so moved by all the beautiful responses. And offers of home. Good people.
Wow – she sounds so sweet! I had some bad luck with a previous attempt at a pit adoption, turned out the dog was randomly super aggressive with no warning. Vet said she had ‘potentially unresolvable mental issues’. I thought it turned me off for good, but I’d love to meet her! Get back to me if she’s still available.
“After all, she just spent the night in one of the worst snow storms of the year, and probably only has a short time left anyway – why not spoil her a little before she’s gone?”
Do not assume she a short time left. That kind of negativity is not going to the help the situation she is in. By the looks of it, there are numbers of people interested. And to go along with what others said, please charge an adoption fee and work with a shelter to screen potential owners if you go that route. Also there are a number of no-kill shelters in your area. Also out of curiosity, how come you are not able to keep her? You speak highly of her in your post.
I am happy to help call a bunch of places if you need an extra hand. There is a huge list on the this site for options:
For example:
Type No-Kill Shelter
Contact Name cheryl jewell
Address Ithaca, NY 14850
Contact Email
It is so good to see a good outcome for a poor defenseless animal. The person that left her there needs to go to jail.
I’m glad she was found and will soon have a forever home with good people.
My friend wants to adopt but can not get ahold of you. Pleas email me directly, immediately with a phone number. My friend has tried emailing and tweeting at the contact info provided and has not gotten a response. She and her fiancee want to adopt TONIGHT OR TOMORROW
HI, I sent an email directly earlier as well. I have a 1000 loft in Brooklyn, and I would love to meet her. My dog, 13 years old raised her as from a pup, passed away last november. I am looking for a new dog. She looks like such a sweetheart
I hope whoever the owner is that left this dog out in the cold like that sees all these comments, and i hope they specifically see mine because I would like to tell them that they are evil, and karma will come back to get them. I would love to leave you outside with no clothes in a snow storm chained to a fence and see how much you like it. :0
Thank you so much for taking this beautiful girl in. I used to think I would never own a pit bull (they’re so evil, right?). But we adopted a former fighting dog about a year ago from a great rescue. The characteristics you’ve described about the dog you found are the common traits of this breed – it’s people who use that loyalty and love of humans to turn the dog into a dangerous animal. I hope she finds a great home with people who know and respect her breed and who will give her lots of love.
I already sent an email earlier, but I want to comment here as well. My name is Michael and I live in Sparta, NJ. I work at Picatinny Arsenal in Dover, NJ. I will gladly leave work right now to pick up this gorgeous little girl and take her home to my family. We all love animals and I’ve wanted a pit for a long time. Before now we didn’t have room, but my wife’s dog died recently and my German Shepherd is lonely for a new playmate. We have a loving home with lots of doggie biscuits and rawhide bones. We even have a couch that is reserved especially for the animals so that they can sit with us in the living room and watch TV.
I’ll be at work until 7 PM tonight. Even after I leave work I am willing to drive out to the city to bring her home. I can promise you that she will have a nice warm bed and a loving family for the rest of her life, however long it may be.
To all whom have responded and are interested in helping rescue pups – please take a look at the NYC Animal Care and Control’s adoptables page and help get the word out for these death row dogs, most of whom are pit bulls.
If you’d like to help, please friend Urgents Part 2 on facebook to help crosspost for these dogs facing death and increase their exposure and chances at finding a home and the little bit of love th they so rightfully deserve.
my daughter, jessica referred me to this web info. thank you for taking care of this beautiful dog. First, i have to say, i just had to put my 12 year old lab, Sarajane, to sleep this morning. I haven’t been able to stop crying, my heart is broken. how can someone leave her out like that…i don’t understand.
i will show my husband tonite…its rough, but God works wondors, who knows, maybe he’s telling us we need to help.
margee gearhart
denville, nj
Call Bikers Against Animal Cruelty in CT. You can also try RESCUE Ink, in NY. Ask for Ant. They help ALOT of dogs get great homes!!
You can try Bide-a-wee. They have locations in the city and long island.
I found a really good home for one of my pit bulls on or .org
I’m good friends with the Bascom’s and I can’t say enough good things about them – as people and as puppy parents. That dog would be so loved. She would have space to run around, daily outdoor adventures, and two of the most energetic, happy companions I’ve ever met. And that’s exactly what she needs after something so horribly traumatic. You and your friend are amazing for saving her.
Please let us know if she has a home, myself along with about a dozen of my friends would take her in a heartbeat…
I’m so sorry for your loss, Margee. No one will replace your beloved Sarajane, but perhaps you can find some solace in getting involved in rescue in some capacity.
Rest peacefully sweet girl.
Hey There,
I actually volunteered for a No Kill Shelter in Williamsburg early this fall called BARC. Visit their website at They actually specialize in bigger dogs and have a number of pitbulls and pitbull mixes at their shelter that they really take good care of. I hope this was helpful!!!
can you please update us about this beautiful dog asap. We are all concerned to know if she has a permanent home yet. Thanks
As An Owner and dog trainer of all types of breeds and mixed breeds, the two most dangerous things about Pitbulls that I have eperienced are some of the owners(potential bullies)and those darn whip like tails that leave bruises all over your legs when the dogs are happy to see you. I can live with the tail but be sure she goes to a good home where she’ll get lots of socializing with other dogs and people(kids too. Please give us all an update when you do find her a forever home. Pits van be just as loving as any other breed with the right owner.
I want her! I just emailed you 🙂
Hey There,
There is actually a great NO KILL Shelter in Williamsburg called BARC that specializes in pitbulls and or pitbull mixes. If it comes down to it and you really have trouble finding this beautiful dog a home I would highly reccomend taking him here. Here’s the website for more info: Best of luck!!
matt was one of the first people on here to post that he wanted her, and was willing to literally hop in his car and drive from DC to get her. i think that takes courage and such a huge heart. i hope you give her to him and his partner scout.
You seem like you have a lot of potential adopters interested, but if you get desperate, BARC Shelter in Williamsburg is fantastic about pits. They are no-kill, non-breed-discriminatory and just all-around wonderful people. Quite frankly this girl deserves a home right away and not a dog run with a metal door (although better than the bridge – those owners should be SHOT!), but BARC is a great last resort if you get stuck. I hope she finds a home really soon – she seems lovely! (My cat would turn the apt upside down, so I can’t.)
i so wish i could take in another dog. My landlord limited us to one (and needed to be small at that).
Something similar happened to me the other day. I was walking to McCarren park in Williamsburg with my dog when I passed by a deli (one on Lorimer and Richardson, NW corner). I see a dog tied up that looked very much like the one in this blog post but younger, like 3 or 4 month old looking pit pull. Same coloring and everything. I thought the owner was in the deli so I continued to walk by (actually run by because my dog gets excited to go to the park). About an hour later I hear people talking about this dog outside the deli. Looks like someone left it there and never came back. They have this person on the video camera of the store so I hope something is done with that. Someone took the dog home and is fostering it. I wonder if this is related to your dog. They are uncanningly similar, except for age.
It’s so sad. How can someone abandon such a good dog like that. Makes my heart ache.
also, id really like to echo what someone else said on here. this dog’s case is not unusual. if you friend the URGENT PART 2 page on facebook, there are hundreds of dogs just like this beauty put down on a daily basis. pitbulls, pit mixes, seniors that people throw away like trash. if the people on here who were willing to adopt this dog are truly interested in saving lives, they should look to that page and also Animal Care and Control to save other dogs. there are millions of dogs here in new york city that can be saved.
I saw that a friend posted this on Facebook. If you cannot find anyone that wants this beautiful dog ..please, please contact Rescue They are on Facebook as well. Tell them how your friend found the dog and that you need help placing her. It’s worth a shot. They are the Good Guys.
Good Luck
myself along with about a dozen of my friends would take her in a heartbeat…
I go to school in D.C now but will be traveling home to New York this weekend. I would love to take her, she looks beautiful. Contact me if I am a candidate. Thank you!
For all the people that posted who were interested in this super cute, super sad-story-having-dog, it sounds like there is a good chance this tale will end warmer than it started. Why no take this as a chance to check out places like the barc shelter in Williamsburg, where there are many dogs who have similarly sad tales (no pun int.)? my dog was shot and left for dead when barc found him and i have had him for 13 years. There are many dogs out there who need good homes, so get on it.
p.s. – Scout – please thank the rescuer for those of us whose hearts are with the animals! There are lots of people who care and I for one am so grateful this girl was rescued!!!
Please get in touch with BARC ( – they definitely have pit bulls there and I’m sure they’d take her.
seriously people, get on it! this dog’s sad tale is not the only one!!!
I hope this pup finds a home. A friend shared this with me and I sent it to several others. I have two cats, so I don’t know how well that would go over but I would love to adopt her. She is beautiful!
Please be careful with whom you give her to. Blue pits are desirable and people love to overbreed them to make $$ or just use them as a status symbol but don’t really care about them. Perhaps your friend can take her to a free spay clinic first?
I’ve contacted Dogs Deserve Better in the NY area. If a temporary foster can hold her, the NY dog rescue can put this dog’s info and pics on their local petfinder site — this is a very successful way to find new permanent homes that are screened, etc…
Dogs Deserve Better NY: 877.636.1408
Try this place it’s here in California. Tia Torres is the leading expert on PITBULLS and runs a no kill shelter in the L.A. area!
Hey, I have emailed you, but just in case my girlfriend and I would love to have her. She’s adorable. We live right next to prospect park and have a pretty decent size apartment. Plus my girlfriend is home a lot so she won’t be left alone during the day.
If she is dog-friendly – I will take her – I have a 3yr old female APBT and would give this dog a great home in Canada 🙂
i send you an e mail about some advise that might work for you. also have posted your blog on my facebook page. will let you know asap when help is on its way. Dont bring her to a shelter. pits are the first to go. She will not have a chance. They put her down in a day.
did you find a home for her yet? please keep us updated.
Please let us know if she is O.k !!!!!
Thought i posted a reply but cannot find it – Rescue Ink and Animal Haven are already mentioned but North Shore Animal League in Port Washington is also a no-kill and somewhat large.
She looks to me like a beautiful pit bull; pit bull is not a specific breed but rather constitutes a ‘type,’ but she is pretty classic looking – gorgeous.
There is a transport company that works out of TN and transports TO the NY/New England region weekly for rescues, maybe they could help transport her to one of the out of state fosters who are responding – here is their link
Don’t worry about Best Friends, they are in Utah and dogs there don’t always get the attention they need (this from a rescue person here in Co who has gone to volunteer), also they like to rescue ‘celebrity’ dogs like from Vick and Katrina and a few years ago from the conflict in Lebanon when they also made a big deal about the aggression from Israel.
It is not entirely true that pits will just attack other dogs, Rescue Ink has a sanctuary on 25 acres and there are dozens of pits living in perfect harmony there. Most dogs should be on leash when out in the world for their own protection and to avoid potential issues, but to say pits will just attack is not accurate. Also, really any dog can be protective and atttack other dogs.
It is so heartwarming to see so many people wanting to step up to help this pup!
I’m not sure if someone already suggested this, but have you considered getting help from a shelter/rescue group in evaluating the prospective new owners? I am sure everyone here has the best of intentions, but having a dog requires a lot of resources (a lot of time & over $1,000/year for vets, food, insurance, boarding etc, etc).
Plus when it comes to pitbulls rescue groups are especially careful to get good owners who will take care of her the way she deserves to be.
If this pup is taken home in a flurry of pity now without consideration for whether she is an excellent fit in her adoptive home and she ends up in a shelter at a later date, chances are she won’t be as lucky as she is today as it is very difficult to adopt out a “returned” pitbull, as I am sure you already know.
Sorry to be Debbie Downer- but this pup- all animals who we stand up and speak for- deserves the very best.
My bf & I Just got our Beautiful Red Nosed Pitbull about 5 months ago. Her Name is Honey Bee & she was rescued by my sister who volunteers for Lucky Pup Rescue.We live in Maine & she was rescued from NC.She is the absolute sweetest dog you could possibly imagine having.she however almost died before we got her,she was badly abused & the other dogs she lived with attacked her daily an tried to kill her,they managed to almost rip her right front leg off,she had a cast at first now she is left with insane deep scars on her leg.My point of this is that pit bulls do have a bad rap but it is truly how they were raised just like any other dog on how they pup has been to hell an back & she has been the most affectionate sweetest dog ever.I would love to rescue another pit.especially the one above.she is absolutely beautiful & u can really see the pain in her eyes.she deserves an needs a good home.I am asking anyone who is reading this to please give her a chance at having a nice home.she deserves it with everything she has been thru. what kind of person leaves a dog chained outside in one of the biggest blizzards we have had? she was clearly left to die.i am so glad someone found her. If someone doesn’t give her a chance an a home soon I would love to take her! let me know if she has a home yet. 🙂 thank you very much!
Try North Shore Animal League. I know they are located in New York and are a No Kill Shelter. They will go out of their way to help and pick up animals. They have a website too: Good Luck!
Generalizations about pitbulls being super dangerouso are offbase. Check out Malcolm Gladwell’s article –
Good luck.
Beautiful pitbull! Extremely interested in adopting. My family and I have a pitbull puppy right now and they are the sweetest pets. We live in New Jersey, right over the GW bridge so we could easily make it in for a meet and greet. Sent an email but haven’t heard back yet… if anyone knows if this pup has been adopted please inform us we would love to take her!!
1st thankyou for doing that, there is no greater Love for man than a Dog, and to treat this animal like this has really pisse’s me off, michiel Vic
enough said, You are to be commended …peace be with you….& good luck
Is she spayed? Blue pits are desirable and people love to overbreed them to make $$ or just use them as a status symbol but don’t really care about them. If she’s not spayed taking her to a free spay clinic before giving her away would help with her chances of finding a good home that won’t over-breed her.
What a beautiful animal and an amazing story. If there were not so many offers to take her I would put mine in. I have had a rescued Pit for a little over a year now and I must say she is just the sweetest girl ever, she loves everybody and anybody that will rub her stomach or pay her the least bit of attention. The pound I got her from said she was there for 11 months and that people always passed her by because she looked so mean, but actually it was saddness in her face, she still looks that way but I know she’s a happy girl by the way she wags her tail all the time. My hats are off to you for being such a kind spirit when this story tells us there are just so many unkind people in this world.
all of you are so incredible! so glad that she will have a home from someone here. i was going to suggest stray from the heart as they find foster families but you’ve all offered so much more. thanks to the people that took her in from the storm and gave her love!
Maybe you should find out the owners who left that beautiful animal chained up to die and chain them up on the bridge. That works for me.
Please, please, if you can try to hold on to the pup until you find a home. I can take him because i have my hands full with a rescue from Bid a Wee.
Consider us a back up. Brooklyn Bark is a dog walking service with a heart. And with connections. We are here to serve not just our clients but all.
Please update us concerning this pretty girl since we have word out on our Facebook page and mailed around.
Happy new year to all!