Note: This is long gone.
I was scouting near Times Square on Friday when I noticed this neat new billboard on 7th Ave…
Apparently, it’s promoting Best Buy’s electronics recycle program, and if you look closely…
…you’ll see that the letters are actually made from recycled electronics!
I wish they had made it a little bit more clear what the incentive is to lug my old VCR all the way to Best Buy versus just tossing it in the garbage…Maybe they just want to make more billboards like this? (Ha, I’m being facetious, of course – see the comments for why you SHOULDN’T just throw this stuff away).
Either way, neat sign.
The point is to lessen the environmental impact of simply throwing electronics away. Electronics often contain toxic materials (mercury, PVC, etc) that cause all kinds of trouble if not properly disposed of. Add this to to the fact that many self-proclaimed electronics recycling companies actually ship certain components to third world locations in asia and elsewhere to save on having to pay regulatory costs or perform expensive disposal procedures.
Hey Andrew –
I understand what the point is, I’m just saying that I think the billboard would be a bit more effective if they had listed a bit of what you wrote on it
Scout, this is probably the 121,123,123,543,625th time of the internet failing to pick up on sarcasm, BUT it did sound quite like you were churlishly suggesting people just dump their stuff in the trash. Great site btw, can’t wait to visit NY some day 🙂
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Pingback: Best Buy puts it’s “e-cycle” e-waste billboard where it’s mouth is…or something like that. « Gadgetsteria
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Pingback: E-Cycle: Best Buy’s billboard at Times Square promotes recycling | Green Resouces
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There are some new ideas that I have been reading about lately that make Recycling more fun and appealing. While we shouldn’t need any more incentive then what we already have, these ideas can be effective. Here is a really cool article about one of those ideas; the Recycling Lottery.
Pingback: The medium is the message ~ Marshall McLuhan « GreenLandOceanBlue
Outdoor advertising (billboards) are most effective with few words and one large graphic. That’s why they used the junk to make the point instead of using words. They assume that if you have e-waste, you’re savvy enough to know how bad it is for the environment. Your incentive should be doing the right thing.
Pingback: DigitWord » Times Square Recycle Billboard Made From Recyclables
Recycling is very very important in order to preserve mother earth.~~:
so what would be the hottest consumer elecdtronic items for the year 2010?-~*
we should always think about recycling our waste products to help the environment.`,~
Tarkista luottotiedot ennen kuin haet pikalaina – ei ainoastaan tarkistaa luotto-raportti kannella, miten voit katsoa tulevaisuuteen lainanantajia, se kannella myös mahdollisuuden uudistaa tietoja, jotka ovat väärässä ja suoda itsellesi parhaat mahdollisuudet on hyväksynyt .
recycling is very necessary so that we could reduce the waste that we dump on our environment:.~
Very clever advertising indeed! I think I have to bookmark this to remember it when I have to come up with something similar.
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Great way to use old stuff that’s everywhere!
hah, thats funny. Recycling FTW!
Always happy to see this kind of reusage of old disposal stuff!
Haha, I could have brought my 20 years old TV for that. It is really recycling material.. Great advertising!