This Guy Has His Own East Village Cube!

For the past few weeks, I’ve been scouting north of the city in the White Plains/Harrison area.  The other day, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye while driving…


…peeking through the trees…


The East Village Cube! On some guy’s lawn!


If you’ve never been to NY, the iconic Astor Place Cube (officially known as The Alamo) is a beloved monument that might as well be the Statue of Liberty of the East Village.


Designed by artist Tony Rosenthal, the Cube can be spun on its axis, a popular activity enjoyed by the bored and drunk alike. It’s been covered in magnetic lights, dressed to look like a giant Rubik’s Cube, and when it was removed for maintenance in 2005, mournful locals installed a PVC replica until its return.

As for its Westchester County counterpart: I could only see it from the street, but it appeared to be nearly identical in size to the Cube…


…though didn’t seem to be as geometrically varied:


So does this random homeowner have his own Cube? At least one other exists – a duplicate on the University of Michigan campus. Then again, I’m sure pivoted cubes are a dime a dozen in the world of modern art.

But the big question remains: does it rotate?

Because what’s the point of having a giant cube if you can’t spin it?



Reader Steve posted this link to Rosenthal cubes, and it’s almost definitely one of the bunch…But it’s not listed. Hmmm…

13 thoughts on “This Guy Has His Own East Village Cube!”

  1. Until I read your blog, I hadn’t realized that there were multiple ‘cubes’ in existence. I’m familiar with the one on the campus of the University of Michigan. Always good to learn something new.

  2. I remember there being one out at the Sunrise Mall in Massapequa back in the 80’s. Doing a quick search I can’t find any pics but I did find a reference or 2 about it on the Malls facebook page.

  3. I remember the Sunrise Mall one, too. It’s listed on the “Chronology” section of the Rosenthal site listed above:

    Installed a stainless steel column at the Sunrise Mall, Massapequa, New York. Alexander Lieberman, Sylvia Stone and Stanley Landsman also installed sculptures.
    “Cube ‘72”, installed in front of Guild Hall, East Hampton, New York.
    “Memorial Cube”, installed at Connecticut College, new London, Connecticut, in honor of Dene Laib Ulin, Class of 1952.

  4. In Westport CT, along the shore line (Greens Farms Road) there is a house that (faces the water that) has insane sculptures on the lawn that are visible from the street. They are monster-sized office supplies. For example, a rolling eraser w/ brush.

    1. Speaking of duplicate art – there is another Claes Oldenburg roller eraser at the Olympic Sculpture Park in Seattle and supposedly one in Washington, D.C.

      Some things should really be unique…

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