The View From An A-Lister’s Hotel Room

Bonus points if you can guess the hotel without looking at a map!


Paid for by the same studio that couldn’t afford to reimburse me for work-related cell phone use. 🙂



Trump International.

13 thoughts on “The View From An A-Lister’s Hotel Room”

  1. Since I view the site on Google Reader, I can see posts even after you deleted them. So, my answer to the A-Lister hotel is the Trump International. Was I right?

  2. Yeah, Trump would have been my guess too. Incidently, the tall white hotel tower on opposite side of the park is The Pierre. It’s former ballroom is now a penthouse for sale. Might be interesting to do a piece on that, as it is supposed to be quite something.

  3. It is from Columbus Circle — which looks to be Mandarin Oriental – in the Time Warner Center.

    The Mayflower hotel has been gone for years – it’s now 15 CPW, which is has some of the most expensive real estate in NYC – that and TWC. I love – and live on the upper west side. This is my hood.

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