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no trump mortuary?
Oh, but just think about how much branding work went into each treatment of the TRUMP name!
How about the beginning of an Eddie Murphy film, that pretty bad too.
He won’t be trumped!
If you go to Lasker Skating Rink (and I imagine the other Trump rinks too) you can pay way too much for a bottle of Trump Water. His face is on the label too!
As of today (5/25/10), his face is on Snapple bottles. Snapple is across the street from my office in the Flatiron Building, giving away bottles of a new iced tea that was created by one of the contestants on Celebrity Apprentice. I was going to pass it by, but my wife pointed out that there’s not much free in this city, and I should grab one while they were available.
Great blog, BTW!
I can’t help but think of his heinous hair-piece when I see those curly tops to the “T’s”…
Would this also serve as a Trump Polling location?