The Ghost of Spring Street

Though Manhattan Bistro might seem like your typical Soho eatery, hidden beneath its dining room lies a secret…


An ancient 18th-century well, uncovered by the owners, with ties to one of the most infamous murders in New York City history – and the fabled ghost of Spring Street!


Full article: Wall Street Journal: In SoHo, a Historied Haunt

This is my second article for the Wall Street Journal – be sure to click through!!


6 thoughts on “The Ghost of Spring Street”

  1. You’ve been resurrected Nick! Great article and so far as a venue,
    Wall Street Journal still “rates!”

  2. Jeremy In Kansas

    What a weird story. How does a guy who lives in a boarding house afford Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr as his attorneys?

  3. Well done, Nick. Well done indeed. I hope the WSJ gives you more assignments.

    Now to convince my wife we need to dine at Manhattan Bistro, without letting her know about the ghost stories. Maybe on Monday.

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