Spiders on Sutton Square

I’m always on the lookout for creative Halloween decorations every year, and I thought this was neat…


Spiders have taken over the entrance to this building on Sutton Square!


I really like the creative design – a gold spiderweb crawling with red and yellow spiders:


Each spider has little blue bits for eyes and stripes:


Sort of gives them a crab-like look:


The rest of their clutter (yes, the collective known for spiders is clutter, or cluster):


And if the more artsy spiders don’t unnerve you, they’ve got some of the standard variety, complete with red eyes and hairy legs:


Finally, two enormous ones lurking over the door:


Good job!

Seen any creative Halloween decorations around the city this season? Let me know in the comments!


6 thoughts on “Spiders on Sutton Square”

  1. As a West Coast person, I’ve always wondered how people get furniture into buildings like these. I imagine that with such a small main entrance, there must be a back entrance? I’m guessing most of these types of buildings formerly were private residences? It would be fun to know the history of this one…

  2. Have you ever noticed the cast iron spider web window bars on the large apartment building near Sutton Place? It’s been years since I walked by, but as I recall the building was on the SW corner (or in from the SW corner) of 57th and 1st Ave. Most of bars are empty in the center, but at least one (front door?) has a spider in there. IT was a pretty big nice building so I bet it’s still there.

    At first I thought your article might be about those.

  3. You should check out the Halloween decor at a beautiful brownstone on E. 72 St. between Park and Madison Avenues. Love that the owner is in the Halloween spirit with his/her awesome, gruesome display.

  4. Decorations are crazy town at The Mansion Restaurant (diner) at 1634 York Ave- at 86th street. Pretty disturbing. It’s like every tenant of the building hung themselves.

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