Latest NYC Graffiti Helps You Take Good Pictures!

There’s a pretty great photo op of the Empire State Building at 33rd & Park – at least, when New York isn’t inundated with snow like it was today.

Empire View 4

If you’d like to recreate the above angle, it should be pretty simple…

Empire View 5

Someone marked the spot for you!

Empire View 3

Nice. Apparently, the same stencil can be found outside the planetarium at the Museum of Natural History, resulting in this shot (good eye, dsottavio! Check out his Flickr page for some great pictures):

"cliche photo" | 37/365

There’s gotta be at least a dozen more out there somewhere near major landmarks…Any sightings?


11 thoughts on “Latest NYC Graffiti Helps You Take Good Pictures!”

  1. Something else, maybe one of you knows: on several corners in the East Village, four strokes of gray duct tape form a frame like composition on the sidewalk. I believe them to be slowly washed away by now, but a year ago or so they where everywhere. Anyone recalls and knows what this is/was?

  2. Paul, I think if it were Banksy, it’d be a bit more creative – like, a graffiti stencil of the shadow being cast by a person standing on the footprints on the adjacent wall.

  3. @Scout: thanks for the reply, but no: that’s not it. It were like, say pound signs (#), made out of duct tape. I’ll see if I can still spot one and take a pic.

  4. Yeah, spotted a fainted one on the southwest corner of Bowery and Great Jones. There are more in the ‘hood, but probably buried under the snow, as they are close to the curb.

  5. Prime example on northwest corner of Bowery and Bond. And now that the snow is gone, several on Lafayette and Broadway again too.

  6. There is another one on Madison Ave just steps from the North East corner of 34th. It’s blue, and much harder to read.
    The one on 33rd you posted above was placed overnight in January.

  7. This is actually a take on some early Banksy work.. Banksy did this in London maybe 7 or 8 years ago, except his read “This is Not A Photo Opportunity”

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