Friday Puzzler! Where In NYC Was This Picture Taken?

Hint: Somewhere in Manhattan.


Bonus points if you know what it’s a picture of!


25 thoughts on “Friday Puzzler! Where In NYC Was This Picture Taken?”

  1. Looks like the end of a steel cable from a suspension bridge or elevator that has been melted. Could it be from World Trade Center?

  2. my first thought was a statue, but I went to the Met. But I can’t figure out of what because the photo creeps me out! Eeps.

  3. Definitely a type of copper or malachite. Probably in a museum because a piece like that would highly valuable. I have a small sample of the similar mineral

  4. I live in the south, but it is copper wire. Looks like a cable that has weathered outside for sometime.

  5. The Statue of Liberty’s underarm hair? (she IS French)

    If she were American she wouldn’t have underarms hair. Or, tragically, another sort of body hair 🙁

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