Updated With Answer! Can You Name This Annie Hall Shooting Location?

Early on in Annie Hall, there’s a great shot set on a Manhattan side street in which Alvy and Rob start walking toward us from far, far down the block…


We hear their conversation the whole time as they slowly get closer…


Once they reach the camera, we track with them…


…until they disappear out of frame.


The whole thing lasts an incredible 1 minute 17 seconds.

Your challenge: where was this shot?


On their way to the now defunct Beekman theater, Alvy and Rob walk down…


…East 66th Street btw. 2nd & 3rd!


Very little has changed, right down to the number of trees and bends in the gate (though the street now has metered parking). Sadly, their destination, the Beekman, was torn down in 2005.

Congrats to reader Fishwony for more or less getting the answer, and David for firming it up!


12 thoughts on “Updated With Answer! Can You Name This Annie Hall Shooting Location?”

  1. Isn’t it E. 65th or 66th St. between 2nd & 3rd Aves., across 2nd Ave. from the old Beekman movie theater? The Beekman is (I think) where they waited on line to see a movie (the famous Marshall McLuhan scene).

  2. East 66th Street between Third Ave and Second Ave. It’s the only area where the street is separated by a wall like that. The wall still exists although the apartment building in the background now has added balconies. Can also check it on google maps, E66th becomes a 2 way street for 1 block.

  3. I live a block from here. The Beekman was torn down a number of years ago, and is now a hosptial tower. Such a loss of a great screen. The crappy underground theater across the street was renamed The Beekman in honor of it.

  4. At least some of the trees shown in the movie may still be there today. The two London plane trees (a variation of the common sycamore) to the east of the wall cut out, the two which are right behind the woman in the first shot, today look quite a bit taller than in the movie. They’re probably were “adolescents” in 1977 and have now topped out at their full height of about 50 feet.

  5. The wall separates the driveway of Manhattan House from the street. The block-long development, designed by SOM’s Gordon Bunschaft, was the prototype of the “white brick” postwar apartment house. It replaced a High Victorian Third Avenue Railway streetcar barn.

  6. Yes it is east 66th btwn. 2nd and 3rd. As a matter of fact, it’s the same street that the former Mayor David Dinkins lives on.

  7. As everyone else said, 66th between 2nd and 3rd.

    My parents lived there in the 60s so I got to hear stories of the early years of their relationship every time we drove up it. 🙂

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