Checking In On Scouting NY’s Favorite Rescue Dog…

So how is the abandoned pit bull that everyone helped to rescue doing in her new home? Er, resting comfortably!


I just got an email from her new owners, and I’m happy to report that everything is going great! “Penelope” is now a resident of Washington, D.C. When she arrived at her new home, she was timid at first, and even refused to go anywhere near the bed due to some sort of past training. They quickly broke her of this, and she spent the night cuddled up with them until late the next morning.


She’s now living with a pair of pugs, and the dogs all seem to get along well. She also loves her new abundance of toys, which she set upon immediately with pent up energy. And remember that leather collar she was wearing when we found her? Turns out, it was a harness for a small dog, and they almost had to cut it apart to get it off.

As for commands, she’s got “sit” down, “come” is coming along, and she’s even getting good at “lying down” and “stay.” She’s also learned from the pugs to eat from the bowl and to not mess around with it. At first, she peed once or twice indoors, but never a lot, and always looked extremely guilty after, like she knew full well that she was being bad. Luckily, this seems to have stopped.


Today, she had her first vet appointment – she weighs about 47 pounds. Negative for heartworm, had a rabies booster (just the one-year, so she won’t overdose if she had been given a previous rabies shot), her first of two distemper shots, kennel cough, and de-worming medication (just in case).  She’ll go back in three weeks for the distemper booster and, soon after that, she’ll be spayed and micro-chipped.  Best of all, “everyone at the vet’s office just loved her to pieces.”

The one surprise? Ah, well, turns out, Penelope is a bit of a snorer…

I woke up this morning trying to place the sound I was hearing and the only thing my brain could come up with was that someone was outside sawing through a length of corrugated plastic pipe.  It was Penelope sawing logs.  The pugs snore like my grandfather, but Penelope is bringing her A-game.

This is the weirdest thing, because she slept in absolute silence in my bedroom! In a way, it’s comforting to know she’s found a new home where she can finally be herself, for better or worse.


43 thoughts on “Checking In On Scouting NY’s Favorite Rescue Dog…”

  1. Sounds like she’s very comfortable in her new home. I wish every animal in need of a home could have this very happy ending!

  2. Thank you so much for this! I hope you keep getting regular updates and photos to pass on. This is such a wonderful story. Thanks again for all that you did and for sharing it with all of us.

  3. Such great news…Penelope looks so happy! You did a great job finding her a home, someone else would have taken her to a shelter.good luck in all you do and lots of blessings! 😉

  4. I’ll bet you anything she’s snoring because she’s relaxed and happy! We see that with our dog when we allow him on the bed, I think he just relaxes all of his muscles, internal ones too, and we always talk about his “happy sneezes”.

    Good Scout! you’re a good boy! You deserve a cookie!

  5. First happy story of the year. I treasure it! Thanks so much for your helping in finding this little creature a good home.

  6. This story makes me so happy. And I LOVE that in every picture, you can tell her tail is ferociously wagging because it is so blurry. You’ve done a wonderful thing. Thank you for the updates!

  7. Best dog rescue story ever! Such a happy dog! And great humans who helped her, you, your lady friend, and Penelope’s adoptive family!

  8. YAY for the happy ending. She looks great. You did your good deed for the month. Kudos to yez all.

  9. Wow, what a nice ending to this story — I need to go get a doggie tissue now! Thanks for helping Penelope find her forever home. 🙂 Woofs & hugs! ~Bailey

  10. Yay Penelope! This is a great story that has led me to a blog I really enjoy reading. I donated to your film “In Honor of” Penelope and all the dogs who may find new homes thanks to you highlighting this issue.

  11. Aw, I’m SO glad! Yay! I think that first picture says it all! I wonder if she’s snoring now because she’s let her guard down enough to sleep without one eye open so to speak. THANK YOU for what you did for this beautiful dog to have a forever home. You are forever tops in my (and many others’) book!

  12. so awesome of you to take the time to find this dog what is obviously a very loving home with wonderful people. gives me hope for humanity, I tell ya.

  13. So great to see. Like Diana i donated a very small amount “in honor” of Penelope and for being so great and saving her! It’s only a little amount as most of my donations go to the dogs..

  14. Aww….I found you the other day by clicking through from some NYC Photography blogs, and love your site. I love you more now that I see you are an animal lover and went through a ton of effort to rescue this dog – a cause close to my heart.

    I’m going to shoot you an email – I live in DC but saw something funny in NY the other day you might like.

  15. Nick, I agree with Brooks, I have the warmest of warm fuzzys right now. Great work buddy. Not only are you a gifted artist you are a gifted person as well. Penelope is one lucky dog to have been rescued by you. Ya got me grinning ear to ear.

  16. Thanks for the update. It is always nice to hear happy endings. Thank you for rescuing her and finding her a forever home.

  17. Yay! I was totally rooting for Matt and his wife to get her! Thanks for all you did to find her a home. I’m glad Penelope lead me to your website. I recently moved to DC after living 9 years in NYC and I miss it like crazy. I love your posts about the hidden jewels of New York, Penelope being one of them!

  18. Thanks so much for the update! Hilarious pic of her sleeping. Um, I’d say she’s quite relaxed and happy! Good work! I, too, made a donation to your project.

    Perhaps others would like to, as well? Good deeds should get rewarded, and Scout, Karma will be good to you, pal.

  19. Thank you so much for saving Penelope and bless the couple that took Penelope for a forever home. You are all heros!!!! Penelope have a wonderful and happy life!!!:)

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