The Sightseer’s Guide to Being Stuck in Traffic on I-87

The Sightseer’s Guide to Being Stuck in Traffic on I-87

Over the past week, I’ve been taking I-87 North to scout in Rockland County… …which means I’ve spent about an hour each day stuck in this: As anyone who travels it regularly knows, I-87 can be a hellhole of traffic due to the unholy convergence of multiple interstates and local bridges in the most inopportune…

The Most Famous Sitcom Residences In New York City
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The Most Famous Sitcom Residences In New York City

Did you know Lucy and Desi lived on the Upper East Side? I had no idea, but apparently, their apartment was located at 623 East 68th Street. There’s just one problem – that puts them right in the middle of the East River. While Lucy and Desi’s apartment might not have a real world counterpart,…

The Last Five Stand-Alone Diners in Manhattan

The Last Five Stand-Alone Diners in Manhattan

Last week, I was walking around the Financial District when I found myself staring at the little diner on Pearl Street in amazement. How in the hell had this thing managed to survive into present day New York when you consider the towering skyscrapers surrounding it? New York has its share of diners, but it’s…

What The Monopoly Properties Look Like In Real Life
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What The Monopoly Properties Look Like In Real Life

Whenever I played Monopoly as a kid, I used to love imagining what the game’s city would look like in real life. I remember thinking of Mediterranean and Baltic as being these short, run-down alleys ala West Side Story, while Pennsylvania Ave and the other greens as Fifth Avenue-style apartment buildings. What I didn’t know…

The 8 Best Fake Storefronts & Phony Building Facades In New York City
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The 8 Best Fake Storefronts & Phony Building Facades In New York City

Way way back, when I first started Scouting NY, I did a post about a great tailor shop window I saw in Chinatown, writing “I love this sign lettering that is most definitely not nostalgic/ironic.” Of course, I had been completely fooled. Back then, this was actually Milk & Honey, a super hip, semi-secret, invitation-only…