The Film Locations of Taxi Driver

The Film Locations of Taxi Driver

If locations were billed alongside actors, Robert DeNiro would share co-starring credits on Taxi Driver with New York City.   The character of Travis Bickle is utterly co-dependent with the New York of 1976, a spawn of all that New York had become at the time. Without the tough, dangerous, smut-filled, immoral, seedy, dank, sweaty,…

The Film Locations of Ghostbusters (Part 1) (NY, You’ve Changed)

The Film Locations of Ghostbusters (Part 1) (NY, You’ve Changed)

Though there are many movies I’m excited to cover for “New York, You’ve Changed,” I had no choice but to start with the movie that first introduced me to New York City… I first saw Ghostbusters when I was about 8 years old and instantly fell in love with it. I watched it over and…