Driving through Queens today, I saw that McDonalds and Starbucks have finally done the inevitable and fused together into an all-powerful red and yellow-striped latte and hamburger-dispensing mutant hybrid:
Resistance is futile! I mean, what force on Earth could possibly stop a complete McStarnolds take over??
I think we’re doomed.
Money changes everything, my friend.
Das Racist’s biggest hit seems oddly quaint by comparison.
Need I say more?
Ah yes…in College Point!
But notice who’s sign is bigger on this building.
Nothing like a 3,000 calorie meal with a Big Mac and a Sugar-ccino!
All you need is a “DuaneReade Express” (patent pending) for the ultimate in one-stop drive-thruness.
this has been there in whitestone for at least 9 years but sadly they are only within one physical building. they have no shared or common area indoors 🙁
and since it looks like you actually stopped to take a picture yourself (instead of finding one online) that would have been obvious to you from the front of the building but i guess its more fun to write a sensational (what??) story like this instead
jk – This just in – Humor Now Allowed on the Internet!
One Stop shopping, caffeine, meat and fries, cold beverages and a banana. Come on, what more do you want in life?
Please tell me this is the furthest from April 1st April Fool’s Day post yet.
It must be destroyed!!
McStarnolds totally made me giggle.
dont be so negative,why be so closed mind,how are we expected to advance to the next level when you put barriers up..free your minds…this can be a very lucrative adventure if you but just open your eyes…see the biggggggger pic,no one is to blame….sex is good…..
I used to work here at the McDonalds for about 2 years… The guy that owns it also owns the mcd on the other side of the whitestone exp. I used to get my usual “meal” from working at mcd then went next door for a free coffee! Bad choice….