Last week, in the midst of packing for a pretty big move, I decided to take a break and do something I’ve always wanted to: ride the A train from start to finish.
The A train is New York City’s longest subway line. For just the standard fare of $2.75, it will take you more than 31 miles from Inwood to Far Rockaway, passing through three boroughs and 36 regular stops (65 at night).
In particular, I’ve always been curious to see how the city changes along the route, so I brought my camera and took a single picture outside each regular stop along the way. Got your Metrocard? Hurry, get on now, it’s coming…
190th STREET
181st STREET
175th STREET
168th STREET
145th STREET
125th STREET
You know what? Rather than skip to the next stop, why don’t we hope aboard here at Howard Beach and ride to the next station together. Be sure to look out the window – it’s my favorite subway view in the city…
What a wonderful city. Going to miss it.
Wait, what? “What a wonderful city. Going to miss it.” and ‘Big move’ sounds like you’re about to leave NY? Where are you heading? And what’s the future of scoutingny?
Moving away? That makes me very sad. This blog has been one of my favorite things on the internet for the last several years and really makes me appreciate living here in NYC even more. You managed to find spaces that I would never know about otherwise and always provide such a thorough history on them. If ScoutingNY is no longer continuing, it will be sorely missed. Good luck to you in your move and all that is ahead!
I wish you all the best for the future, but i’m also sad because i love your blog and the wonderful pictures of me and my wive’s favourite city. Good luck and cheers from south-germany.
I enjoy living vicariously through you and hate the thought of you leaving NY, but I hope it’s for bigger and better things.
You’ll be sorely missed by this NYer.
Please, please set the blog to cycle through the archives for the latest post box so we can pretend you’re still here, and still discover new things we may have missed on the first go-around.
Best wishes!
NO NO NO Say it ain’t so…Hope this is another one of your AprilFools jokes! Where can you possibly go???
Agree with Ben – ScoutingNY has been a great resource, from the occasional NYC top-up to fascinating bits of trivia!
Wither ScoutingNY?! Whatever you do, and wherever you go, all the best and thanks (but hopefully plenty more on here!).
what?! Does this have anything to do with your screenplay? What’s going on? What a bombshell! Best wishes and please keep writing. “ScoutingLA,” maybe? 🙂
I hope you are not leaving, this is one of my daily go to sites.
Yeah, I hope the blog isnt dead!
By the way, how much did this cost in subway fare, getting in and out at every stop? I can’t imagine you got a XFER every time.
Fare is $2.75 per ride, I count 36 station pictures, so that’s $99. However, a 7 day unlimited is $31.. or more likely, if Scout is like most New Yorkers I know, he already has a monthly pass, which is $116.50.
Really hope this means you can scout other locations for the blog–I love these posts, but have always lamented that they only cover New York City and nearby areas, as opposed to other cities and locations. . .I always wanted there to be a Scouting NY for Boston, where I lived for 7 years. Now I’m in Philadelphia and wish there were one for here, too. Whether you are continuing the blog or not, best wishes in your move!
Where do you think you’re going? Say it ain’t so!!
You did a brilliant job with this photo essay, I especially appreciate Rockaway, which we don’t get to see that much.
Gosh, I’ve loved your blog over the years. Thank you so much for sharing all the hidden gems of my city and best wishes on your next endeavor!
Have been a huge fan of your work, and often cite your post about The Bronx being the friendliest borough in NYC whenever some survey comes out saying that NYers are unfriendly, rude, etc.
Hope your “big move” is temporary and you find your way back here.
Is it too late to visit the Morris Park neighborhood in The Bronx and show it to people through your eyes? I’d love people to get to know this little gem before Metro North service is established in 2019 and inevitably changes the character of the neighborhood with an influx of new residents who wouldn’t have lived here before because of the unreasonably long commute to Manhattan (60 to 75 minutes each way via subway or Express Bus vs. 25 minutes each way via Metro North). Thank you for your consideration.
I wish you all the best on the move, and hope you start a new blog wherever you go.
This website inspired me to do one of my own, and I’m certain anything you do in the future will inspire many more.
Thanks for amazing posts. I’ve learned so much about this city thanks to you. Whatever city you land in will be enriched to have you as a resident.
All good things…
Thank you.
I moved to California in 1962, after 28 years in “da Bronx” and this blog kept me more in touch with my roots. I always have and always will consider myself a New Yorker. I lived on 164th and Jerome Ave. and went to Yankee games like most people went to movies.
All the best with whatever you do. Like all the rest of the commenters (?) I’ll miss you lots.
I hope that the references to moving is just a simple move to the ‘burbs because this websites is one of the best, most honest, and most insightful websites.
But if it’s the beginning of the end I hope whatever you have up your sleeve is an amazing opportunity that was too good to pass up.
Regretfully – but even more sincerely – best wishes on your future endeavors.
Your insightful details of the different neighborhoods of NYC has been greatly appreciated, especially the ones I have walked through and also photographed. Your travails and commentary will be missed.
Are you moving?? Will you be scouting and sharing with us whichever town you’re moving to? I’ve been visiting this blog since its old template days and each time has been so delightful. Not only I’ve gathered information for past and future NYC trips, but its images and stories have fulfilled many daydreams. Thank you so much for all the work you’ve invested here! You’ve got plenty of fans and admirers 🙂
As a native New Yorker currently in Chicago, always enjoy anything about it. Great piece on A train line. A lot if stories can be told by visiting both sbove and below ground. Keep up the great work!
Are you familiar with the Kingsbridge Armory in the Bronx? It is a beautiful remnant of the City’s past and would look wonderful on film, I’m sure. The Bronx is so often ignored or shown in such a negative manner in movies, but there are many architectural treasures in my borough that need to be seen and appreciated. Another Bronx treasure is the Bronx Court building at 161st and Washington Ave, that is currently being used as a cultural institution. And lastly, I’d like to mention the stately mansions in the Riverdale Section of the Bronx; City Island and the famous Poe Cottage, former home to Edgar Allen Poe. All can be Googled.
I have to ask: if you jumped off at each station to take a photo, and had to wait for the next train, how long did this photo journey take? If ever I had questions about your devotion to your art (and what you do is an art form) and this site, this post put paid to my questions.
As for the move, I’m hoping it’s only “big” as in a move to a bigger place, or perhaps a move in-with someone special. Best of luck, in any event.
Figures…I find you, I lose you, I find you again and you’re LEAVING! (You can use that line in your movie if you want.)
Anyway, wherever you’re headed next, I hope the skies and sights are inspiring and the rent is more reasonable. Love you, love your work; this native New Yorker will miss you lots!
You can’t be moving! Your blog was one of a kind. I hope it continues in some form
No no no, Scout! Your posts can’t be missed.
As a Dutch guy I only get to see New York once every few years.
Through your stories and photo’s I stay in touch with the greatest and most inspiring city ever.
So I hope it’s only a very temporary move.
Best wishes and good luck from The Netherlands.
Or are you just moving from one borough to another? Cause that’s a pretty big move as well.
I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, however, I will miss this blog dearly. Started getting a little teary-eyed thinking about no more new posts!
You don’t understand!!! Your blog helped me get through such a hard time! I’d sit and read all day during the worst job ever and explore and imagine I was in one of those many places you visited. I’m so sad that you have left but I am grateful that I was able to see a side of NYC and other places that I probably would have never known of. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE continue to post!
Best wishes,