A Rose Grows In Brooklyn

Note: this is now gone.

I was under the JMZ elevated subway line in South Williamsburg today near Marcy Ave when I noticed this steel rose bolted to the ground:


I’m not sure if this was commissioned by the city, or installed by an anonymous artist under the cover of night – there wasn’t a plaque around to explain its origins. It’s very provocative – the thorns on the stalk look VERY dangerous…


…and the petals don’t look like they want to be touched either.


I’m pretty sure it’s spraypainted, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the type of thing that changes colors every week or so. A tough flower for a relatively tough neighborhood.


7 thoughts on “A Rose Grows In Brooklyn”

  1. Very interesting looking blog, will be back later to read more and get some tips of great places to go taking photos in NYC

  2. Pingback: A Rose Grows In Brooklyn : clusterflock

  3. Love your site. Just found you today through the NYT city room blog talk column.
    I love this, it’s beautiful, & so NY that someone just installed it w/out permission, & it’s still there.

  4. I wonder if this is The Rose from the Stephen King Gunslinger series. It mentions a rose growing in NYC. A lot of the things in that series are based on real places and things. Or if it was created by a fan?

  5. i remember when this was installed. it popped up one day like a weed which is perfect, no? the spray paint is not original. it was someone’s, um, addition.

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